Burdock Root Cut Organic




Burdock Root is a strong blood purifier and cleanser, has been used to neutralize and eliminate toxins in the system. Best when
used in combination with other herbs, since it can start the body cleansing too rapidly if used by itself. If used by itself, start with small amounts.

One of the best herbs for chronic skin problems.
The tea makes a good wash for acne, burns, and sores.

Hot fomentations help heal swellings.

Bruised leaves or tea have been used successfully for poison ivy or oak.

Relieves congestion of the lymphatic system.

Increases flow of urine, relieves pain in the bladder, and helps fight kidney and bladder infection.

Promotes perspiration, especially helpful in the case of fevers.

Good for advanced cases of arthritis. Helps reduce the swelling and deposits of joints and knuckles and breaks down calcification.

Helps move toxins out of a weak body.

Contains vitamin B3 (niacin) and vitamin C.

Has been used in the following:




.Bladder infections

.Bladder pain

.Blood purifier





.Canker sore

.Chicken pox, internal, external







.Lymphatic system


.Poison ivy, oak



Primary Constituents:
Burdock provides significant amounts of chromium, copper, iron, and magnesium. The root also contains trace amounts of organic mercury,
making it a good choice for mercury detox formulas.

.Indicated Usages – Internal:

.Acne, dermatitis, rashes


.Boils, indolent ulcers, lesions

.Dropsy, edema

.Eczema, psoriasis


.Fibroid growths, tumors

.Gout, arthritis


.Hives, shingles

.Inflamed kidneys, scalding urine

.Kidney stones

.Lymphatic congestion

.Respiratory problems

.Rheumatism, sciatica

.Syphilis, STD’s

.Indicated Usages – External:

.Burns, scalds

.Rashes, poison ivy

.Swollen glands

Special Considerations:
For its blood cleansing effects to be maximized, burdock needs to be used consistently over an extended period. Even though relief from many toxic blood conditions is usually promptly seen and felt, the herb should be taken for at least three months to normalize the system.


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