Dead Sea Salt Coarse Grade




Relax and Enjoy the Treasures of the Dead Sea!
The Dead Sea contains over 80 different minerals. Nourishing cleansing and detoxifying the body naturally, they can enhance the skin’s natural ability to protect itself, leaving it looking and feeling healthy and beautiful.

Unscented Coarse Grade Dead Sea Salt.

The properties of just a few of these minerals are listed below.

Bitumen – A natural tar which acts as an anti-flammatory agent.
Bromide – Known for its soothing, relaxing tranquilishing effect on the nervous system.
Calcium – Necessary for strengthening cell membranes and cleansing the pores. Also vital for maintenance of healthy teeth and bones, together with regulating the heart muscles and nerves. A natural anti-allergen.
Iodine Important for the correct functioning of the thyroid and moisture retainer.
Potassium – Combined with sodium, it regulates water balance in the body. Also essential for muscles, nerves and the heart.
Sodium – Like potassium, plays a vital role in assisting the cells to absorb nourishment and expel wates. It is a natural cleanser and rehydrator.
Sulphur – Has the ability to alleviate itching and plays a part in tissue respiration. It is necessary for collagen synthesis and naturally eases aching joints. A natural disinfectant.


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