About Juniper Berry Essential Oil:
Juniper Berry Essential Oil (Juniperus communis), has a strong, sweet, camphoraceous aroma with sweet pine needle characteristics. Juniper Berry oil adds a clean, penetrating, evergreen smell in many soap products. Constituents include pinene, myrcene, limonene, cymene, camphene, terpineol, borneol, thujone, esters, and variations of other components. Juniper Berry oil blends well with Cedarwoods, Lavender, Neroli, Sandalwood, and Vetiver.
Action Traditional Uses and Indications for Juniper Berry Essential Oil:
Juniper is antiseptic, astringent, a digestive stimulant, is purifying, and detoxifying. Juniper increases circulation through the kidneys and promotes excretion of uric acid and toxins. Bundles of Juniper Berries were hung over doorways to ward off witches during medieval times. It has been used for centuries as a diuretic. Until recently, French hospital wards burned sprigs of Juniper and Rosemary to protect against infection. Indications: Acne, dermatitis, eczema, depression, fatigue, liver problems, sore muscles, rheumatism, ulcers, urinary infections, fluid retention, and wounds.
Other Uses and Application for Juniper Berry Essential Oil:
Juniper oil may work as a detoxifier and a cleanser, as well as being beneficial for skin. It may possibly assist with nerve regeneration.
Application: Diffuse or apply topically. May be added to food or rice milk as a dietary supplement.
Fragrant Influence: Juniper evokes feeling of health, love, and peace and may help to elevate one’s spiritual awareness.
Companion Oils: Bergamot, all citrus oils, Cypress, Geranium, Lavender, Melaleuca alternifolia, and Rosemary CT cineol.
Essential Oils Safety & Disclaimer:
This information is for educational purpose only, it is not intended to treat, cure, prevent or, diagnose and disease or condition. Nor is it intended to prescribe in any way. This information is for educational purpose only and may not be complete, nor may its data be accurate. As with all essential oils, never use them undiluted. Do not take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner. Keep away from children. If applying an essential oil to your skin always perform a small patch test to an insensitive part of the body (after you have properly diluted the oil in an appropriate carrier.
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