Peppermint Essential Oil Super High Menthol USA – Alabama Essential Oils


Name   Peppermint Super High Menthol Essential Oil
Category   Essential Oils
Species   Mentha piperita
Part   Herb
Method   Steam Distillation
Class   Monoterpenol
Country   USA (All Regions) India
Code   MenPip3
CAS   8006-90-4
SKU: N/A Categories: ,


About Peppermint Essential Oil Super High Menthol USA:

Peppermint Essential Oil Super High Menthol USA (Mentha piperita), this variety of Peppermint oil is one of our finest Peppermint oils with a super high menthol content. The aroma is sweet, strong, minty, and fresh. Peppermint oil is believed to alleviate mental fatigue, boost energy, and to help stay alert. Peppermint is certainly a staple for any blender in the industry.

Action Traditional Uses and Indications for Peppermint Essential Oils:

Action:  Peppermint is anti-carcinogenic, supports digestion, expels worms, is a decongestant, is anti-infectious, antibacterial, antifungal, mucolytic, a stimulant, is hypertensive, cardiotonic, stimulates the gallbladder, is a pain reliever, an expectorant, and anti-inflammatory for the intestinal and urinary tract.  It can heighten or restore the sense of taste by stimulating the trigeminal nerve.  Traditional Uses:  Peppermint is one of the oldest and most highly regarded herbs for soothing digestion.  Jean Valnet, MD, studied peppermint’s effect on the liver and respiratory systems.  Other scientists have also researched peppermint’s role in affecting impaired taste and smell when inhaled.  Dr. William N. Dember of the University of Cincinnati studied Peppermint’s ability to improve concentration and mental accuracy.  Alan Hirsch, MD, studied Peppermint’s ability to directly affect the brain’s satiety center (the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus) which triggers a sensation of fullness after meals.  Indications:  Asthma, bronchitis, candida, diarrhea, digestive problems, fever, halitosis, heartburn, hemorrhoids, hot flashes, indigestion, menstrual irregularity, headaches, motion sickness, nausea, tumor growth, respiratory infections, shock, itchy skin, throat infections, and varicose veins.

Other Uses and Application for Peppermint Essential Oil:

Other Uses:  This oil may help arthritis, depression, skin conditions (eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis), food poisoning, headaches, hives, hysteria, inflammation, morning sickness, nerve regeneration, rheumatism, elevate and open sensory system, ease the pain of toothaches, and kills tuberculosis bacillus according to Jean Valnet, MD.

Application:  Massage on the stomach or add to water or tea for supporting normal digestion.  Apply to the bottom of the feet or rub on the temples to treat headaches.  To improve concentration, alertness, and memory, place 2 drops on the tongue.  Add to food as a flavoring and preservative.  CAUTION:  Always dilute when using on children’s delicate skin.

Fragrant Influence:  Peppermint oil is purifying and stimulating to the conscious mind.

Safety Data:  If pregnant or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician.  Avoid contact with eyes, mucus membranes, or sensitive skin areas.  Do not apply neat to a fresh wound or burn.

Essential Oils Safety & Disclaimer:

This information is for educational purpose only, it is not intended to treat, cure, prevent or, diagnose and disease or condition. Nor is it intended to prescribe in any way. This information is for educational purpose only and may not be complete, nor may its data be accurate.  As with all essential oils, never use them undiluted. Do not take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner. Keep away from children. If applying an essential oil to your skin always perform a small patch test to an insensitive part of the body (after you have properly diluted the oil in an appropriate carrier.


Additional information

Weight N/A

1.0 oz – 30ml, 11.20 Lbs – 5Kg, 22.04 Lbs – 10kg, 4oz – 120ml, 16oz. – 1 Lb, 2.20 Lbs. – 1kg, 33.06 Lbs – 15kg


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